Mrs Brokenbrow - Teacher
Mrs Marson - Teaching Assistant
Miss Clarke - Teaching Assistant
Please find below some important information which explains some of our class routines
Communication is key, so if you have any questions or want to discuss anything, please speak to me at the door, or send a message on Tapestry.
If you are on twitter or have access to the internet, why not have a look, or, follow our school twitter page, @HollinPrimary to find out what is going on in and around school. Additionally, follow our class twitter page @MrsBrokenbrow to see what we are doing in class. Regular updates will include photographs, pieces of work and tweets about what we have been up to.
Year 1B will have their weekly PE lesson with Mrs Jones on a Monday morning. Children will need a white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and trainers all clearly marked with their names. Pumps are only worn during gymnastics which will be inside during February. PE bags can be kept in school until the end of each half term, or if it needs a wash.
Reading books
Reading books are changed on a Monday and Wednesday in Year 1B.
Home reading books are closely matched to your child’s decoding ability to ensure that they can independently practice their early reading skills. We regularly assess the progress that your child is making in phonics, to ensure that the books that they are reading are correctly matched.
All we ask is that in order for it to be changed, the comments section is signed by an adult in the reading record book. Book bags should be placed, in the book bag box, each morning.
Please ensure your child has their book bag in school each day, even if they do not need to change their book. We will be reading with the children during the week so require both the correct book and reading record in order to do so.
Class library books
Home reading books can be supplemented with an additional book from our class library. Children in Year 1B will be able to access our class library on a Friday, and have the opportunity to select and 'check out' a book of their choice. The class library books are clearly marked with a sticker that say ‘Year 1B, Class Library Book’. These books are to share with your child and give them the opportunity to hear you as a reader.
Homework will be set on a Friday and is due to be returned by the following Thursday.
Purple Mash
Login details can be found at the front of your child’s reading record. You can access Purple Mash here
You will find your child's personal username and password in the front of their reading record. You can use these details to log on to Numbots. Your child will benefit from playing games on Numbots little and often and this will help them to develop their arithmetic skills.
Class Twitter