At Hollin Primary School, British Values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:
- Pupil opinions are sought and valued at every opportunity. This includes:
- Being part of the School Council, 2 representatives per class
- Voting for School Council members in each class (Yr 1 – Yr 6).
- Everyday choices including those related to behaviour, learning and play activities
- Education Health and Care Plans – a pupil-centred approach including Pupil Voice presentations
- Annual Pupil Questionnaires.
- Half termly Creative Curriculum Questionnaires.
The Rule of Law
The importance of rules in keeping everyone safe is promoted throughout the school day. This is achieved through:
- A strong emphasis on turn-taking and developing this skill in all lessons
- Behaviour Support Plans for pupils requiring an extra level of support
- Explanations of rules through the PSHE curriculum and everyday approaches
- Visits from members of Local public services (e.g. Police, Fire) are used to aid pupil understanding of the law and rules in the community
- Governor is a member of the Police service and visits school regularly.
- Behaviour Policy compiled in conjunction with staff, parents and children.
- School rules displayed in each classroom and in corridor areas.
- Class Charters in individual classrooms.
Mutual Respect
- The strong school ethos of acceptance and valuing the smallest achievements of each person assists pupils in learning about giving and receiving mutual respect through
- Personalised provision for the different Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
- The use of visual timetables to support the communication of all pupils as they interact with one another
- Well Done postcards where children’s achievements at home are celebrated in school
- Children working alongside children from the co-located Newlands school (celebrate and sing assemblies and Friendship week activities).
- Working in KAGAN groups.
- Peer-to-peer work (marking 2 stars and a wish).
- Graduate Awards given in Graduates Assembly.
Individual Liberty
- Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners in all aspects of their development. This is achieved through a calm and supportive environment where a personalised approach results in pupils who are high in self-esteem. This includes
- A calm, challenging and supportive setting where pupils are taught to be as independent as possible
- Regular opportunities to make choices relating to activities and behaviour
- E Safety awareness sessions ensuring that children understand how to keep themselves as safe as possible when using technology
- A wide variety of Lunchtime Clubs for pupils to choose from and attend, with appropriate levels of support provided by staff
- A wide variety of After School provision for pupils to choose from and attend, with appropriate levels of support provided by staff
- Behaviour Support Plans to enable pupils to make ‘good’ choices when they feel angry, confused or upset
- Celebrate achievements outside of school.
- Older children taking part in responsibilities around school (School Council, Buddies, Sports Council, Reading Buddies).
Respect of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
- Pupils learn to be accepting of the faiths, beliefs and practices of others through
- Regular celebrations in Assemblies as these occur throughout the school year
- The Religious Education and History curriculum which enables children to learn about the UK alongside different countries, traditions and faiths
- Behaviour Support strategies promoting the acceptance of each individual
- An annual resources check to ensure all school-based materials promote the diversity of society and the right of each person to be respected and valued equally
- Staff who are sensitive to and supportive of different cultural approaches
The above list was compiled with staff and agreed with Governors.
School Council
On Monday 18th March 2024, the school council met and completed some work on the five core British Values. They have created some fantastic bunting that will be showcased on our School Council display. You can view photographs from the meeting by clicking here.